2015 Overview and Program

Mini-theme of UPAF 2015
In addition to the overarching theme of “Life, Art, Film,” UPAF sets a mini-theme every year. This year’s mini-theme is “Islam.” 2015 is the 70th anniversary year of the end of WWII. When we ponder the post-WWII world and Japan’s position in it– regardless of the angle from which we try to look at it, whether it be through the independence movements in Africa and Asia or the resources for our modern lives, wars, terrorism, post-cold war economic structure– we cannot avoid Islam.

Protected in the cocoon of peaceful post-WWII Japan, people in Japan used to hear about the horrendous news of the world and feel as if they were happening in a different sphere. But they don’t seem so unreal these days. It has finally become apparent that Japan had been involved all along, even while the people in this island nation kept dreaming peaceful dreams. What is Islam? To peek into this vast world, we have collected several diverse films from the Islamic diaspora– a beautiful love story, breathtaking political epic drama, fiction, documentary, experimental films from Algeria, Cyprus, United States, and India’s Kashmir region.

Other soulful films at UPAF 2015 include an independent drama feature from China (shot in Nanking) that has screened at the world’s top festivals but not in its native country due to the lack of governmental approval, a documentary about Fukushima mothers who are determined about remaining in their native land and protecting their children, a spirited documentary about a former Yakuza mobster-turned-tatooed-minister.

The children’s program (free admission!) has films that are so fun and beautiful and imaginative that they can be enjoyed by anyone between the ages of 3 and 108 years old! Please bring your family and friends. See you all at UPAF 2015, Aug 7-10.
