Money Tree

2D animation, Australia, 6’36”, 2011. Dir: Hawanatu Bangura


A short animation about a young boy who wants to become rich by planting a stolen coin. An African tale with a relatable dilemma about the boundary between my money and their money, and morals about the desires that money brings.


Hawanatu Bangura is a filmmaker based in Sydney, Australia. Born in Sierra Leone before migrating to Australia, she has the ability to tell universal stories that resonates with audiences far and wide, and with a degree in social work and social science, themes of social justice, empowerment, identity, peace, hope and wisdom are strong throughout her work.

Hawanatu’s films have been screened at film festivals, both nationally and internationally. Much of her success are due to her hard work, perseverance and creative ability. She enjoys exploring different styles and genres including animation, dance, drama and documentary.



Imprint 2013, dance/experimental, Writer/Director/Editor/Sound Designer

Money Tree 2011, Animation, writer/director

Not Good Enough, 2009, drama, writer and director

Aohaji, 2009, drama, writer and director