“A Girl Like Me” Dir. Kiri Davis (US)

A Girl Like Me explores the standards of beauty imposed on today's black girls. The film delves beneath the surface in order to show how such standards affect self-esteem and self-image. This short documentary has touched the hearts and minds of millions worldwide and serves as a wake up call for us all. Shown in Tribeca FF, Silverdocs, Oprah Winfrey Show, etc. Director's bio: Kiri Davis [Read more...]

“Mirage” Dir. Srđan Keča (Serbia-UK)

Mirage Dir. Srđan Keča, 2011, 42 mins , HDCAM, 16:9, Colour, Dolby Surround Synopsis: At the edge of a city growing from the desert, a man plays alone on a golf course. Another, sleepless, sends a letter from a labour camp to his wife in Kenya. A sand storm hits a construction site, and the locals hold a strange dance ceremony. Dubai, usually seen either as miracle of development or failed [Read more...]

“Ten Years,” “Black Breakfast” Dir. Jia Zhang Ke

“Ten years” 2007, 8 min, color Synopsis A train traverses spring and summer, and it also passes through the realest city, field and land in China; the faces of passengers are the most ordinary faces in China. Two women meet each other on the train every day, but they never converse. At the time of the SARS, they sit together and look at each [Read more...]

“My Town,” “Ants” by Tomomichi Nakamura

Two animated films by an animator Tomomichi Nakamura from Akaiwa city, Okayama. His works have been invited to Vancouver International FF, Calgary Int'l FF, and shown at The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen.  An intense interest of the world is on this emerging Okayama native animation artist. Image Forum Film Festival 2007 Vancouver International Film Festival 2007 Apocalyptic [Read more...]

Great film works by New York Youth 2010 (from Adobe Foundation:Youth Voices)

ニューヨークで創られた学生達の秀作映画セクション。今回は大学生、高校生、そして中学生の作品もお届けします。 渋谷アップリンクのウェブ・マガジンの記事(by タハラレイコ) アドビ財団の主催するAdobe Youth Voices program から "Problem Kidz" by Katia Skinner, Tyrone Davis, Elizabeth Fohsta-Lynch, Xavier Rice, Sheyenne DeRochea, and Christine Zeigler. A rap music video. "Love Isn't Supposed to Hurt" by Jared Cato, Andrew Gatling, Sheliya Parson, & Sydney Terry. [Read more...]